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The Call

Updated: Jul 16, 2020

It’s 3 in the afternoon, I’ve been driving for an hour already and I’m somewhere in the hills of Kentucky very much off the grid without cell reception and sitting presently in an unintentional period of sustained silence. In this moment of silence, I am confronted with the true and powerful voice calling out from the very fabric of my being. This “call” that I hear so profoundly stirs my heart in ways that cause pain and inspiration all at the same time. It’s a call that I know all too well yet have suppressed and stifled for the sake of convenience and “safety”. It’s the call to leave what I know and venture into the unknown in order to grow and transcend the consciousness that keeps me safe and secure. “The call” is a singular inevitability that I must face within myself if I care to continue on the path of growth and life.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar quiet still moment of reflection and raw truth? In these quiet moments of profound clarifying truth, what is it that cries out or calls to you from that deep stillness? What is it that yearns to be known, experienced, nurtured, realized, or created? What have you suppressed within yourself for far too long that needs to be set free to live through you and aid you in your hero’s journey? What is it that calls to you always and becomes a source of subtle, almost imperceptible, pain as you make more and more excuses to not answer “the call”?

For a very significant part of my life, I have been preoccupied with this “call” from the depths of my heart. It has changed over the years and the motivations have been different but the experience of “the call” is always the same. When “the call” comes, it is there steadily and persistently building beneath the surface like a volcano before the great explosion of energy that creates mountains within the sea. “The call” always comes when I have been in the in-between of past pursuits and paths that no longer serve or fulfill me and on the horizon there lies something of inspiration, wonder, and the dreadful unknown. Much like Luke Skywalker, who ended most days (one might assume) looking to the binary sunset with a yearning for something more and wondering if he would ever find the thing he felt missing from his day to day farm life, I too had many moments over the years where I was yearning for the something missing in my life but could not identify what that something was. I lived in a state of deep but unidentifiable pain because I heard “the call’, felt “the call”, and knew I had to take action to move from one season of life to the next but did not know what action was necessary.

There lives inside all of us a “calling” to embark on our own hero’s journey into the unknown so that we may grow and transcend our former selves in order to come back and benefit our family, friends, and community and be the hero of our own story. Every time I answered “the call” in my life and journeyed into the unknown, it got a little easier the next time I heard “the call”. Not only did it get easier to take action, the ripple effects of journeying into the unknown compounded and became forces that are still rippling through my life and blessing me in ways I never foresaw. When you really listen to “the call” within your heart and then take action to do something about it, the growth/blessings/benefits/fulfillment effect your life forever and take you to places you could not imagine, yet, always offer the gift of a greater version of your former self. It’s never too late to answer “the call” you know all too well. The great tragedy of your hero’s journey would be to never embark upon your hero’s journey. But the greatest treasure of your hero’s journey is to embark upon your hero’s journey.

So if you are ready to answer “the call” and embark upon your hero’s journey, you might try one of a few things. You could take 10 to 15 minutes and write down, with no hesitation and no filter, all of the things that give you that feeling you get when you witness Bruce Wayne journey into the cold icy wilderness to find Ra’s Al Ghul, or Superman learn to fly by trusting his power, or Neo choose to take the red pill, etc. We all have dreams that evoke this same response and make us feel truly alive and fulfilled beyond words. Write all of those things down that stimulate this excitement for you. Then sit back and look at it all. Some of the things you wrote down will seem impossible while others will seem very possible. See which of the things you wrote down you can start taking steps towards today. What is one small thing you can do to accomplish just one of these dreams?

For me, buying a plane ticket was often one of those action steps. I would buy the plane ticket to some other country for some date in the future and then I would figure out the rest. For some people, that is a huge step, but for me it was an action I could take that would set things in motion while making me committed to figuring out the details on how to make the rest of the dream happen. For you, this first step could be to hire a coach, a guide, a companion to help you figure out the details of how you are going to accomplish your dream. From experience, the details become the easy part after you take the first big step to put the dream in motion and commit yourself to realizing the dream. The point is you have the power to realize your dreams and it’s a phone call or a click of a button away. But you have to make a choice for action first. Answer “the call” within by embarking on the journey into the unknown and become the hero of your own story. Trust me, you will never regret it!


Answer your "call" and book a free consult today!

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