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Seeker of the Light

There once was a boy who dreamed of changing the world. He believed that transcendence for the human species was not only possible but inevitable. He also cared deeply to help those who could not help themselves. He thought that maybe there was hidden knowledge in a way, or a path, for which he could pursue the transcendence he believed was possible. As the boy grew older, this dream faded just like a dream in the night where the further you go into your day, the harder it is to remember the dream. Yet, something inside of him still held onto the dream. Something deep down held that little light of the dream and kept it burning, even if it was just a glimmer.

Years passed and the boy became a man. The man was working a mediocre mainstream job and merely going through the motions of life in order to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities he had accumulated over time. On the outside, the man seemed calm, content, and at peace; but on the inside, the man was slowly dying as if every step towards his current life without meaning was one less breath of air he could take, until one day he knew he would suffocate completely. After years of yearning for more from the external world, yet feeling no greater satisfaction or fulfillment, the man, left with no other option, journeyed within.

The man began his inner journey by looking and seeking deep inside for some kind of higher value or meaning. One day, while journeying through the vast and dense forest of his soul, the man found a dark and ominous cave that he had never seen before. Though hesitant and afraid, the man felt drawn to enter the cave. Despite the fear, he knew he had to enter this cave and explore it to its darkest depths. With no light and no knowledge of what lay ahead, the man entered the cave and went forward into the darkness of his soul. Down and down he went until it was cold, darker than the darkest night, and unsettlingly silent. And there in the dark recesses of his inner cave, the man found a glowing light.

It was hard to see at first. There was just the faintest little glimmer of a light dancing on the back wall of the dark cave. As the man moved closer to the light, he could feel the warmth and the promise of the light. There was also a feeling of familiarity with this light. He had known this light once before. It was like an old friend from a past life that he had walked many miles with but had not seen in an age. However, once he was reunited with this warm familiar light, he knew what he had to do. He knew he had to carry that light out of the dark cave and protect it at all costs. He knew he had to nurture the light and help it to grow, until it became the brilliant torch that would forever light the purpose of his journey. He knew the light that he had found was the boy within, full of passion and dreams of helping others; and ultimately, this light could be a catalyst for the transcendence that awaits us all.

Is there a light within you that you know is there, yet, time has made its glow faint? Are you yearning for a stronger connection with your inner child? Do you know you have passions and dreams but responsibilities and commitments have silenced them to near extinguishment? Do you feel as though you might die if you don’t find the brilliant light within yourself that burns strong and true?

You are not alone. These feelings are good and a wonderful indication that you are coming to a crossroads or a precipice in your life. It is when these feelings arise, therein lies the opportunity to act upon them and leverage the moment for the purpose of finding and fulfilling your purpose. The arrival of the awareness of these feelings is the promise of hope that the light within will indeed be found. So you must go. You must enter the cave of darkness within and confront the fear that stands in your way of truly carrying your light for all to bear witness. We need your light. We need your gifts. And we need you living in the fullness of stature and power that is yours to embody. Seek the light within and carry it boldly forward.

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