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Daily Discipline

I woke up this morning at my usual 5:15 am to do my morning routine of yoga, Wim Hof breathing, and some cold water exposure. Most mornings when I first wake up, I want to go immediately back to sleep, but due to my system of putting the phone in another room, I have to physically get up to turn off my alarm. This usually helps me to at least wake up enough to not just roll over and go back to sleep hitting the snooze button. Even though this system is pretty fail safe, I still have many mornings, where after turning off the alarm, I stand there wavering and thinking real hard about going back to bed. Instead of going back to sleep, I just do the next thing.

Doing the next thing is usually the catalyst to do the thing after that and then the thing after that. So I start by drinking water, then I turn on lights, then I turn the wifi back on, and then I roll out my yoga mat. By this point, there is no going back to sleep and I'm well on my way to beginning the discipline of my morning practices. However, my mindset while doing the morning practices is another thing.....

THIS morning, even though I conquered not going back to sleep and I did all the things to propel me into my yoga session successfully, my mindset was resistant to the day and my mental focus and fortitude was nowhere to be seen. As I went through the various yoga poses, I was merely going through the motions and my mindset was one of passivity and subject to what was happening to me. The mindset I seek to summon every morning, if I don't already wake up with it (which is rare), is the mindset of the inner warrior and the mental focus and fortitude of a lion. This is why morning disciplines are so important for me because they give me the opportunity to find my mental strength and focus in order to achieve the success I seek for the day.

So there I was on the yoga mat doing my yoga practice, actively breathing and stretching, but my mental strength was completely inaccessible. I kept going though. I kept breathing and I kept searching for the energy and focus I seek every day. I repeated to myself as I often do in times likes this, "Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence." Then, at around 35 minutes into the yoga session, there it was.........I found it!! I found that mindset that welcomes challenge, seeks opportunities to grow, tests itself, and burns with the spirit of the warrior! The remaining 25 minutes of the yoga session were infinitely better and more rewarding than the previous 35 minutes. But without the first 35 minutes, I would have never found the mindset I had been seeking.

Had I not stayed awake; had I not done the next thing to get into the day; had I not gotten on my yoga mat and started moving and breathing; had I not persisted through all the resistance I was feeling for the first 45 minutes of the day; my day would have looked and felt much different and I'd be willing to bet it would have been much more of a struggle all the way through. This is why I value some kind of an initial morning discipline or practice to activate my mind, body and spirit so that I can intentionally move through my day with strength, resiliency, and focus that will only yield success no matter what I choose to do. Waking up early and committing to a morning discipline everyday has drastically changed so many things for me in my experience of day to day life.

I encourage you to find some morning discipline that is supportive and beneficial for you! Just showing up every day for yourself to put into your mind, body, and spirit just a little bit will over time yield immense results and rewards. If you have any questions about how to go about this or what a morning discipline looks like for you, reach out to me please! I'd be happy to help you find a way to start your day the very best way possible!! Ultreia!!

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